- BIRTH DATE: Milan (Italy), June 4th, 1961
- EDUCATION: Graduated in 1980 at "Liceo-Ginnasio G.
Carducci", Milan.
Degree in Electronic Engineering at
"Politecnico di Milano", 1988.
- ADDRESS: 2, Natale Battaglia Str., 20127 MILAN
Telephone +39-02-2610837, FAX +39-02-99985558, Mobile
1985. Scholarship: "Uses of Computer Graphics in Simulation and Planning of Cerebral Stereotaxic Neurosurgery". Sponsored by the Italian Association for Neurological Research (ARIN).
1986. As a member of an Academic Research Team of Politecnico di Milano, Department of Electronics, he works on design and development of multiprocessor systems, based on Mational Semiconductor's 32000 Family, for telecommunication and PABX applications.
1987/88. Experimental Doctoral Thesis, sponsored by LABEN S.p.A., leading company in data processing systems for spaceflight and scientific satellites in ESA (European Space Agency) and NASA industrial frame, on integrated use of Control Systems and Artificial Intelligence techniques for space applications. Title of Academic Publication: "Control System for X-Ray Spectroscopy Collimators on board of Astronomic Satellites, and related Utilization Procedures".
1988. Joined LABEN S.p.A. as member of Scientific and Technological Coordination Group, being involved in the introduction of CAD systems and techniques in the Company, with particular reference to networking (Local Area network based on industry-wide standards such as DECnet, TCP/IP, Ethernet) and integration aspects.
1989. Contributed to harmonization and improvement of computing resources and procedures in the technical area, furthermore implementing Wide Area Network links with several partner companies and the Southern Italy LABEN S.p.A. site at Tecnopolis-CSATA Novus Ortus technology Park (Bari).
May, 1990. Appointed responsible for activities related to integration aspects between technical and management areas, introducing the part coding in earlier phases of the design to ease forecast and procurement activities, as well as to speed up engineering and manufacturing phases.
Sept, 1990. Also responsible of Configuration and Archiving activities of the Company, committed to introduction of advanced techniques for information organization and retrieval.
Jan, 1991. In charge, responding referring directly to the Technical Director, of maintenance and housekeeping activities management for the Company's computer resources, organizing internal hardware maintenance service and spare parts supply, as well as optimizing and rationalizing purchased third-parties maintenance and services.
Jan, 1992. Involved in computer resources integration at Company level, responsible of introduction, startup and customization of a new Material Management System based on advanced technologies (X.11, UNIX, RISC hardware) and relational and coordinated databases. Also involved in process and efficiency improvement initiatives in the frame of Company' Total Quality Management Project..
Mar, 1992. Coordinator of EDB (Engineering Data Base) initiative, aimed at introducing new techniques of data storage and retrieval in order to create an integrated archive of CAD/CAM/CAE/CASE files produced in the Company, as well to allow a faster and more efficient design change processing.
Jan, 1993. Introduced in activities related to user training and system resource optimization at end user level, organized and coordinated courses and seminars on various technical and management aspects, improving knowledge and responsabilization of users and actors of Information System about correct use and optimum power exploitation.
May, 1993. Coordinated design and implementation of a new Network Cabling System (ICSR, Impianto di Cablaggio Strutturato di Rete), based on innovative technologies of packet routing and retransmission, which is spread over the whole Company, creating an integrated data backbone linked with any location of ALENIA Corporate network and external systems such as ITAPAC (X.25), Internet, International DECnet, EARN-BITNET.
Sept, 1993. Appointed responsible, referring directly to General Director and Technical Director, for the whole Company's Information System (L.I.NE., LABEN Information NEtwork) management and operation, unified over the network across the various departments. Coordinated a group of people, of high professional level and skills, in charge of hardware and software maintenance, system upgrade, Information Technology investment planning for the whole Company, special tasks related to Total Quality Programs for I.T. aspects, Company-level integration.
Jan, 1995. Took over responsibility of hardware maintenance services for the Company, using both outsourced services and internal skills.
June, 1995. Exploiting emerging Internet technologies, coordinated deployment of Company's Web Site, experiencing in the meantime Intranet and Internet-based Groupware applications for corporate use.
Mar, 1996. Member of ALENIA Steering Committee for Information Systems Integration, studied project and implementation of ALENIA Space Divisions Corporate Network, which was then carried out by ALENIA Spazio.
Jun, 1996. Member of ALENIA Steering Committee for Logistics, studied possible optimization of material and process management in ALENIA Space Divisions through distributed information systems.
Sep, 1997. Following Company's reorganization, am appointed Head of Information Systems function, directly referring to General Manager. Function merges all Information Systems-related activities both in technical and financial areas.
Feb, 1997. Introduced new Intranet-based, complex applications for Information Systems management, workflow management of internal processes, and on-line user support (Help Desk).
Mar, 1998. In the frame of re-engineering activities in financial and management areas, is responsible of Intranet projects related to processing, Web publication and controlled access to sensitive financial and management reports.
Nov, 1998. In the process of reorganization and integration of Information Systems of all Finmeccanica-owned Companies operating in Space segment, am appointed head of "Operation and Customer Care" Unit of ALENIA Aerospace - Space Division, operating under Information and Communication Technology Directorate. My responsibilities span over all Corporate plants, including LABEN S.p.A, Turin, Rome and L'Aquila.
Jan, 2000. ALENIA implementation of SAP is released and supersedes several legacy financial systems. His responsibilities are extended through creation of a dedicated "SAP Operations" Unit, managing Server Farm and operation activities.
Mar, 2000. New Corporate, high-speed, ATM-based WAN is released under responsibility of "Network Management" Unit, already depending from me.
Jun, 2001. Acquires responsibility for design and realizazion of all IT infrastructures, taking over the mission of disbanded "Work Style" Unit.
Sep, 2001. Appointed Head of Corporate IT Security Project.
Oct, 2002. Appointed Head of Corporate Information and Communication Technology.
Apr, 2003. Compleded task in Alenia Spazio, return to LABEN as head of Information and Communication Technology.
Oct, 2003. Received QIng Certification by Milan Order of Engineers on "Management, Development, and Security of information Systems.
Jan, 2005. Appointed Technical Advisor of DVD.IT, e-commerce initiative winner of the prestigious "Il Sole 24 Ore" WWW Prize in 2004.
Jun, 2005. Project Manager of retructuring and improvement of IT systems of Aero Club Milano, aeronautical association and most important flight school in Italy.
Mar, 2006. Tutor of Project Laboratory at Politecnico di Milano, Aerospace Engineering Dept., under coordination of Prof. Alberto Folchini. Project is devoted to design, manufacturing and test of a light aircraft for tourism and sport.
Jul, 2006. Project Advisor of TELESAL project, managed by Kell srl under contract of ASI – Italian Space Agency, for design and development of an advanced telemedicine project for computer-assisted screening of breast cancer.
Nov, 2006. Project Advisor in Loro Piana S.p.A., major textile company, for restructuring and new implementations in IT systems for production control.
- LANGUAGES: Italian, English, French, German, Spanish.
1. L. Salvadori Et Al.: "Planning of Brain Stereotaxic Neurosurgical Interventions by means of Graphic Interactive Procedures". Presented at ICOGRAPHICS '84, Milan, Dec 1984.
2. L. Salvadori: "Graphic terminal VDS-701 and its applications". Presented at Milan Polytechnic Workshop for Post-degree Instruction "available Graphic Interactive Systems and Applications", Milan, Jun 1985.
3. L. Salvadori (Relator: Prof. M. Somalvico; Co-relator: Dr. G. Alberti): "Control System for X-Ray Spectroscopy Collimators on board of Astronomic Satellites, and related Utilization Procedures". Academic Degree publication, reviewed by Italian Society of Engineers, 1988.
4. L. Salvadori: "Integration of Computer-Assisted Engineering and Design Activities: experiences and observations". AUSDI annual meeting, Florence, Sept 1988.
5. L Salvadori: "Role of Computer Assisted Design in research and development of Hi-rel Systems". ANIPLA '89, Rome, Nov 1989.
6. L. Salvadori: "Networking and Integration of Etherogeneous Environments: some observations". AUSDI annual meeting, Punta Ala, Jun 1990.
7. L. Salvadori: "Management and maintenance aspects of distributed multivendor systems". ANIPLA '91, Milan, Oct 1991.
8. L. Salvadori: "Information System integration as a competitivity factor in the Company". Workshop: "CALS perspectives and applications in ALENIA Group", Torino, Jan 1993.
9. L. Salvadori et Al.: "Engineering Data Base: an Open System for technical information management in Aerospace Industry". ICOGRAPHICS '93, Milan, Mar 1993.
10. L. Salvadori: "Very low cost file servers in UNIX environment: an inexpensive alternative for populated sites". Papers of I2U Convention 1995, Milan, May 1995.
11. L. Salvadori: "LINUX: a Public-Domain operating system. Applications in Corporate Information Systems". Philip Morris Prize for Scientific and Technological Research, 1994.
12. L. Salvadori: "Web Site Management by Mail". SysAdmin Magazine. USA, Oct 1996.
13. L. Salvadori: "HUMAN: Managing User Accounts with a Friendly Interface". SysAdmin Magazine. USA, Apr 1997.
14. L. Salvadori: "GNATS Revisited: Intranet Helpdesk Made Simple". SysAdmin Magazine. USA, Aug 1997.
15. L. Salvadori: "Access Control in Sensitive Web Environments". SysAdmin Magazine - Web Edition. USA, Sep 1998.
16. L. Salvadori: "Linux ed Open Source: Una nuova frontiera per l'Industria Aerospaziale". Acta of Linux Expo Milan, Milano, Jun 2001.
17. L. Salvadori: "Linux and Open Source: A New Frontier for Aerospace". Acta of Linux Expo Paris, Paris, Jan 2002.
18. L. Salvadori: "Project Management and Development Methodologies in Aerospace Industry". Acta of "100 Years of Aviation", Udine, Apr 2003.
I herewith authorize treatment of above data according to Italian Law Nr. 675/96.